Francesca Mason Portrait

👋🏽 Hello there.

I'm Francesca, an artist, designer, and educator based in Milwaukee, WI. With a Bachelor's degree in fine art specializing in printmaking and a Master's in UX design, I bring a unique blend of creativity and technical expertise to every project I undertake.

My professional journey includes my role as a UX Designer at Johnson Controls, along with running my own freelance illustration business. Additionally, I am a part-time professor at local colleges and universities, where I share my knowledge of UX and illustration with the next generation of designers. I am passionate about design, storytelling, and the design thinking process. I love using these skills to craft meaningful stories through visual design.

I am available for speaking engagements, workshops, and freelance work in UX design and illustration. If you are looking to connect or collaborate on your next project, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Get in touch.
